

STAC API Validator.

stac-api-validator [OPTIONS]



Show the version and exit.

--log-level <log_level>

Logging level, one of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL

--root-url <root_url>

Required STAC API Root / Landing Page URL

--collection <collection>

The name of the collection to use for item-search, collections, and features tests.

--geometry <geometry>

The GeoJSON geometry to use for intersection tests.

--conformance <conformance_classes>

Required The conformance classes to validate.


core | browseable | item-search | features | collections | children | filter | item-search#sort | item-search#fields | item-search#query | features#sort | features#fields | features#query | transaction

--auth-bearer-token <auth_bearer_token>

Authorization Bearer token value to append to all requests.

--auth-query-parameter <auth_query_parameter>

Query parameter key and value to pass for authorization, e.g., ‘key=xyz’.

--fields-nested-property <fields_nested_property>

Fields Extension: name of a field in Item Properties, e.g. ‘properties.eo:cloud_cover’

--validate-pagination, --no-validate-pagination

Validate pagination behavior (can take a long time to run)

--query-comparison-field <query_comparison_field>

Query Extension: name of field to use for comparison operators tests (eq, neq, lt, lte, gt, gte)

--query-eq-value <query_eq_value>

Query Extension: value of field to use for eq

--query-neq-value <query_neq_value>

Query Extension: value of field to use for neq

--query-lt-value <query_lt_value>

Query Extension: value of field to use for lt

--query-lte-value <query_lte_value>

Query Extension: value of field to use for lte

--query-gt-value <query_gt_value>

Query Extension: value of field to use for gt

--query-gte-value <query_gte_value>

Query Extension: value of field to use for gte

--query-substring-field <query_substring_field>

Query Extension: name of field to use for substring operators tests (startsWith, endsWith, contains)

--query-starts-with-value <query_starts_with_value>

Query Extension: value of field to use for startsWith

--query-ends-with-value <query_ends_with_value>

Query Extension: value of field to use for endsWith

--query-contains-value <query_contains_value>

Query Extension: value of field to use for contains

--query-in-field <query_in_field>

Query Extension: name of field to use for ‘in’ operator tests

--query-in-values <query_in_values>

Query Extension: comma-separated values of field to use for ‘in’ operator tests

--transaction-collection <transaction_collection>

The name of the collection to use for Transaction Extension tests.